Saturday, November 3, 2007

You Need to STOP and Just REMEMBER...

Remembering.... is so important.
I remember lots of things...
What do you remember...
I can remember sitting in the yard under a small maple tree, which is quite large now, just waiting for the school bus to come up the road. I was only a little girl & all my cousins were already in school. I hated sitting at home all day with no one to play with. I could here the bus coming from down the road... I would run to the end of the driveway and just wait for Tyler, my older cousin would rush off... we would eat dinner and spend the evenings together playing ball or working with his animals. Now... He has a beautiful wife and amazing baby boy- Baby Landon:

I remember Kindergarten Registration... My mom held my hand all the way into the building, even though I didn't want her to - Only now I can relate to why she wanted to hold my hand, and even why she held so tightly... What I didn't know is that when she led me into that building she was helping me begin the first day of my life at Jasper Elementary...

My Kindergarten teacher was perfect. She played games, she let us color, we danced, and even sang... I remember Curtis Delong trying to kiss me in her class.... IT WAS NOT MY FAULT-- but, Mrs. Salisbury took care of it for me. Curt stood on the wall, and I cried because he was in trouble?!?! At that time... I would have never understood how important that lady was in my life. To me, she was just my teacher... yeah, I liked her... but she was just my teacher. Now, 19 years later I work with her everyday. In the same building where I started my first day of school. The same school that in Mrs. Merideth's first grade classroom a snake was stuck inside the blinds and the janitor knocked it into a trash can while Mrs. Merideth hid in the corner. The same school that that I spent two high school summers cleaning, so I could waste the money on useless things of little or no value. That place is special to me. and Now... Mrs. Salisbury and her husband just adopted two beautiful children from Russia... They are perfect and I couldn't be happier for them all. Sophia and Sherman:

I can remember... the day my Mom and Dad sat Jon and I down on the big blue couch, made us turn off the TV... and told us that Jordan was going to be here soon.... We didn't understand. We didn't care. Honestly, we didn't even want another brother or sister. I can remember getting down beside my bed with Jon and we would pray totally opposite prayers- I would pray for a boy! And Jon wanted a girl! We just didn't want to share a room. I must have prayed harder... or maybe just louder because in July about 15 years ago we ended up with Jordan Evan Buckler... One of the best things that has ever happend in my life!!!! And Now...He is more than just a brother to me! He is my little brother, my almost son, and my friend. We are so much alike it is sometimes scary. I love to watch him play ball and run. He is a kid that gives 100% all the time! (He gets that from me & my Dad) He is a good kid & I am very proud of him! (ps. I love my other brother too... I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression!)
I can remember... going to church with my family as a small child. I can remember getting up in front with all the small children and singing songs about God's wonderous love. I remember watching my Mom and Dad sing in the choir together... I remember my Uncle Terry and Uncle Tim sing songs that made everyone in the church cry.... Then, I didn't really understand it... Now, I do! I just hope that I can use these memories to make a difference in someone elses life. Someone who has no one. Someone who has nothing... or even everything. Just Someone...

Oh Yeah... I hope you REMEMBER to set your clock back!

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