Thursday, October 25, 2007

I TOTALLY under estimate them!!!!

Today in class, I gave my kids a creative writing project. They are only in 1st grade & usually the quality of writing is just OK.
The assigment was: "Close your eyes, imagine you are a pumpkin in the middle of a very large pumpking field. Look at all the pumpkins around you. Are they big, small, happy, grouchy?" I then asked the students to open their eyes. I gave them a worksheet for them to start their writing. There was a picture at the top with two pumpkins- I asked the students to draw a face on both the pumpkins and then write a story about both of their lives in the pumpkin patch. Although I cannnot share the name of the student that wrote this... I feel it is a must to share their writing with you:

Pumpkin #1: ones a pona time there wose a pumkin hise momy died an he wose sad but his mother wodent talk to him from hevin he prade and said God wod you let her come bake.

Pumpkin #2: wons a pona time there wose a mean pumkim and he hatede peapol but he wose just rotten and he liked apples. apples maked him feal beter and he at one and he wose happy.

well!?!?- Where do you go from here? I wanted to cry while I read this, but laughed instead. A few seconds after I read it.... a students aide came in , which happend to be a substitute. I handed her the assignment and let her read it. I was cleaning up some paint material and when I turned back toward her she was in tears! .... Her mother had been diagonised with cancer a while ago and has been taking chemo for months now. She had a catscan today that came back CLEAR!!!! Just more proof that God is amazing... in this little pumpkin's life and in our lives!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My 1st Time!

well..... i look at eveyone else's blogs.... and decided- WHAT THE HECK--- i should have one too!

I have been REALLY busy lately with my master's degree work and photographs ( It seems like naps are the GREATEST thing in the whole wide world.

A few weeks ago my little brother Jordan was in Children's Hospital with viral menigitis - he is doing much better now, but driving everyone crazy. He has good days... and bad days. Mostly bad headaches and trounble remembering things. I would like to thank everyone who prayed for our family during that time... it was a VERY scary time!

ok- that is the end of very 1st blog entry... YEAH!