Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Daddy's Day 2008

Sometimes I think we can never be thankful enough for the loving families we were blessed with... The picture below shows Troy, Jordan, Tyson, Me, Jon, Dad, and Ava on Father's Day 2008. I was blessed with a loving father that taught me respect and work ethic... two things that most children do not have or recognize in today's society. As a women, I am so thankful that my dad taught me the "manly" skills that he did. I am an independant person, and I appreciate the fact that I don't need to hire someone to mow the lawn, that I can raise a garden, and even kill a snake with a shot gun if I need to! I love my Daddy very much!!! Happy Father's Day Dad!!!
On Father's Day, Troy's dad and brother came out to visit. They actually helped us till our garden, which was a first for Trent... but I think he had fun! Pictured below= Trent, Bill, and Troy

Friday, June 6, 2008


Almost... I finish up the first year of my Master's Degree this weekend.... I am teaching College for Kids this coming week, for the first time! I hope it is as much fun as I think it will be! I have a lot of resting/tanning planned this summer... and lots of weddings... everyone is getting married! Just feeling a touch of relief-
And, I just turned 24 years old! Wow, where did 21 go?
Happy Day!